We support the productivity of Africa‘s big teams
Treepz was founded by four entrepreneurs who were tired of the broken transport system in Africa and wanted to make a change.
Starting with a successful car renting app, the founders saw an even greater potential for impact in corporate mobility. This vision led to the creation of Treepz.In achieving success, we can never underestimate the value of each person. Therefore, to each one, we accord Respect and Humility.
All work and no play will not only make us dull but will dampen our creative talents. Having fun allows us to be flexible and creates an enabling environment where we can exhale.
We have Interpersonal intelligence and are constantly seeking to improve our relationships with our customers and colleagues.
Speed is central to everything we are and everything we do; we are quick in creating and implementing innovative solutions, being fast in our time-responsiveness to our clients demands.
We must be seen as people who are constantly and consistently thinking out of the box and re-inventing themselves by making today‘s achievements the starting point for our success stories for tomorrow.
We do not only comply with regulations, good business practices and ethical standards, but we also are honest, reliable, and trustworthy people.
Excellence for us, is not just a watchword, it‘s an intrinsic habit. it‘s the default mode for all our operational standards so that mediocrity and half measures become alien to our culture.
These board members bring expertise in impact investing, strategic management, law, sales, and technology.
Each person has a remarkable experience in transportation and technology business in Africa.
The team brings together decades of experience across transportation, and technology
They‘re a collective force fueled by diverse journeys within the African transportation and tech world.
Customers Served
Kg of Co2 emissions saved
Vehicles signed up
Cities covered
Treepz is an all-in-one transportation solution for all your transportation needs - from commuter shuttling, executive VIP transportation, and large-scale events.
© 2024 Treepz, Inc. All rights reserved.